About MW!

Welcome to Mums Write!  This site is a meeting point for parents and fellow travellers (grandparents, god parents, aunts, uncles, and neighbours-down-the-lane) who love reading and writing—or would love to give it a go—and want to share this love with the children in their lives.  I started MW because I believe that writing for, about, and with children enriches the experience of rearing them, and that engaging with children enriches our writing.

We watch our children more closely, and make surprising discoveries about them, and about ourselves, when we try to describe them on paper, or craft stories and poems that speak to their yearnings.  Writing is also the ultimate antidote to parenthood blahs. When I told my 5-year-old about his toddler sister winning a gold at the Poolympic Games, I could suddenly see the funny side of Nuclear Nappy week.
What’s more, the children in our lives challenge us to experiment, stretch, and achieve the assumed-to-be- impossible–whether it’s braving the slide-of-doom at the local swimming pool, quitting smoking . . . or cranking out that first chapter.  So, for readers (and future writers) who are new to the page, welcome!  There’s never been a better time—or reason—to write.
I hope you find this site inspiring, and that you share the fruits of your inspiration with your children, and soulmates.  Please also share your thoughts and work by posting comments about your experiences, or by sending your writing projects to me at joanna.norland@gmail.com
Thank you for visiting—Joanna
Theresa Puckett, founder of Relational Parents interviews me about why writing makes you a better parent and parenting makes you a better writer.
Mums Write exists to inspire you to write about the kids in your life and the experience of raising them.

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